Thursday, December 20, 2012

Choose Team Game Topic

Write a blog post explaining why your team chose this topic./we choose math because we thought it would be the best thing to teach and be the best thing to learn for other people. / How did you work together to decide? we already were all thinking about math so we decided that we were all going to do math.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Plan Team Game

Is your team game a good learning game?/yes because its fun and educational/  Why?/ because we have to make it fun and educational or else it wouldn't teach anybody about anything. / What would you add to the Hobo's Journey game to improve it? well i would probably make the hobo find money and then make the graphics look better.  / What would you add to the Larry game to improve it?/ well i would have more levels and make it have questions like math or science or economic but no hard ones because im not that good at it.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Imangine team game

  • WHO are you designing your game for?kids our age like 12-13 and anyone who is interested. /(How will you make sure your game is not hurtful to any group of people? bye making sure that it is respectful and not harmful or racist to anyone
    • WHAT will your game teach the player about your topic? how to do math correctly its mostly going to teach them about math.
      • If you are making a social issue game, how will you show multiple perspectives? 
    • WHERE does your game happen? some where or maybe in the desert not sure havent figured out yet.
      • Describe the world you will design for your game/ it would probally be cool and colorful. 
      • How will this setting add to the learning experience?/ by like when you click on something cool or funny like a cat it will ask u about math.
    • HOW does your game world teach the player about your topic?/ by in my game world you would learn alot more.
      • What happens in the world that helps the player learn? you probally go through time and have to answer questions to go where you want.
      • How does the player use what they learned to make something happen in the game?/ like lets say that i was teaching fractions but they were hard i would explain how to do it and so when the next one came up they would know how to do it. 
    • WHY is a game a better way of understanding your topic than a quiz? because in our game we can make it fun while learning and most people dont like quizzes. 

presenting game

My game is called fraction city it is a math game and something that im having a problem with is the frames because its that on every frame theres the part from the first frame and another thing is the code likes to go back to the original.

Friday, December 7, 2012

adding game ingredients

adding game ingredients was both easy and hard but sometimes the code or the frames get messed up and its hard to fix sometimes but not always. what was the easiest was the the code what was the hardest was i had problems with the frames like i would enter a keyframe the other keyframe would be on all of the frames

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

build interactive minigame

building the interactive minigame was easy because i was using my one from last year i only added some things that i thought were cool and also when i did it last year it took everyone around a month. i thought this year the minigame was  shorter, many people knew what to do and it was all layed out on the wiki page. for the  kids that weren't in our class last year. today there mostly confused  in our class because there having alot of problems with code and everything.

Friday, October 26, 2012

math focus

Do you have a Math focus?  yes i do
What is it?  Fractions and decimals 
How will your hidden objects teach this concept? click on items that are correct 

Do your hidden objects work? yes our hidden objects work.

What game ingredients are you putting in? sound,rollover,decoy objects, win and lose screens

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

drawing background

drawing background was fun. it teaches you how to add color and plan what your background is. drawing background was cool because you got to trace your paper prototype and it was cool adding color and its a great experience for new kids. last year it was way different.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Adding hidden objects

adding hidden objects was the funnest so far because your hiding something from the player and they hve to find it in order win. i like hidden objects because last year i really didnt get to do hidden objects because we didnt add them in our game. adding hidden objects was very interesting to me because its cool to hide things from other people and they have to find. lastly the hardest thing about hidden objects was trying to hide it in the correct spot and picking the right object to find to hide and not trying to make it obvious but kind of easy to find

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Plan Game Scene

what excites me about my about planning my game scene is making it because i have been looking forward for this for about a week and i feel like im ready to get ready about planning our game scene and also making the hidden objects because i think hidden objects are going to be fun and i am prepared for this game

Playing to learn part 1

i found it interesting because they have brand new games and its different because we would usually have to play old games but they finally have new games it usually takes longer to make and that's  why im so surprised. I'm looking forward to play and experience new game because its always fun to see what other kids are making in this school district

paper prototype 1

Our game is going to be a city roads,buildings with hidden fractions, you will have to go and investigate inside the buildings and stores and we will make it educationol too

Friday, September 21, 2012

Choosing a learning topic

We choose this topic (fractions) because We thought it would be fun and educational, also challenging for us and the students.Our fraction game is not going to be to easy but a little challenging we plan to make thebest game ever i hope that we can have a fun game and we hope youll like it

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

a single story

what it means to have a single story is knowing about someones culture that you've might of heard or made up yourself. well i have some that i heard about a community like, all Asians are smart or all African Americans are good at basketball and all Mexicans are the best at soccer. a game can let players experience stories like if the game tells you or if the game puts an idea in your mind that you think about and make your own story.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

my blog response

1.What i think im doing well is creating the game and trying to make it educational as possible as i can especially with the killing but we have good research how the game will be and whats it about.its going to go well because its roman games its sounds fun and its plan out and its going to be fun and i dont see what is going to go wrong. what happening in the game is war what im try to say there is going to be tactics that were going to use like sneak up on the enemy and out wit them in battle like they will be throwing spheres and also using the shield block what that is that the whole team comes together and hide behind the shield the attack them