Monday, May 13, 2013

ETHAN'S game concept blog

Our game concept is to teach about the layer's of the earth. we will teach how the earth's layers work and what the earths layer's is about. how we will teach it is you have to drag the correct answer in the box which is about the earths layers. i learned that i could figure out how the game is going to be like how the last two games went is better than i thought. i will use it to help me keep going through my game.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Test and Debug

What kinds of problems have you come across while creating your game? we had problems on what the scene should look like and who should do what. / How did you solve them? well eventually we fixed our problems but not all of them

Pseudocode and Commented Code

so the code we used was like code to control the cars and also hit test code and we always had problem making it work and could never figure it out and we also had drag and drop code which was the easiest.

construct code

What are the three most important things you always check for in your code when you have an error? make sure it is correct, make sure you have the right code. and write it on the correct line. Why? because its important.

game devlopement

What is the most difficult concept to teach for your game topic?/the math because at first thats what we needed to improve and its hard to teach something that you dont know that much about. How are you finding tutorials and thinking about design to teach others this concept? on the wiki and i have been thinking ways to design a way to teach other people

Thursday, April 11, 2013

assemble game demo

  • Do you think you've learned more about your game topic in the process of making this demo?  / Yes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              If so, what have you learned and why do you think you've acquired this new knowledge? what ive learned is to explain fractions better and add subtract,multiply, and divide. why i think i acquired it is because i have been learning about it for the most of the time of Globaloria.

  • In what ways do you feel you have taken the process of learning into your own hands?i have done alot of researching by myself and i figured out things that i never knew. How can you improve your self-learning skills in the future? by trying harder and never give up so just try hard.

Ethans presentation reflection

Does it look professional?/kind of, probally needed more preperation./   What do professional presenters do?/what professional presenters do is always prepared and know how exactly what there going to say and mean and they also can explain there topic. What do they look like? How do they sound? they look like not nervous and they sound like there making sense and a course professional.